Friday, August 11, 2017

Death by a Blackhole

 The same thing as the black hole does not pull up right now. Blast. This causes a lot of friction. Therefore, this airplane is heated by a kelvin. The bottom gamble leaves the Kelvinas. These are little farther away from the galaxy telescope. In that way, he found the first Black Giant X-1.

In this way, hardly a little EV (Event Horizon) is reaching, but it is not possible to penetrate into some matter. Therefore, they are piercing through the circular shaft of the rhinoceros. This reagents are called black currents. But sometimes the neutron stars are the same phenomenon.

But from this disk, gamma rays do not just leave normal optical light on the surface of a body of black bodies. But that's a small amount. But when you look around, the disk around it will be able to see brighter.

Sometimes, blackouts can be rotating around each other. This is where the waves are wavelengths. Imagine throwing two tennis balls into the water and twirling each other around each other. This happens even when this circle circulates. These are called gravity waves.

The slow travel time is relatively slow due to the very strong spurious curvature near the blackheads. The spatial movement of the spacecraft makes it possible to reduce the speed of these times.

Let's see how we can die from a knife.

Imagine that you've seen Space Suit from a blackboard's gravity crossing. Let's just think that this appuro can withstand radiation and fever.

Do you know the tidal power? 
Its basic idea is the only object in a gravitational field that separates the gravitational force of two centuries.

The change in gravity towards a black hole is very high. It's where the gravity rises toward the hump and the speed is the greatest.

Because of this, at one stage, less power is applied on your head on your legs. This is a big change. That way, it breaks into two pieces topped in the chest!

But these two pieces react with tidal pressure. They are again broken. In this way, it is broken and crushed, and finally, the temperature rises, causing only a number of atoms of the athlete.

But that little black hole. This is a very big difference in the gravity of this gravity, so we can jump horizontally. So, I do not know what happens when I go to the EV.

But if this clam is too high, EV is not spherical. It's taking a roulette wape. Due to high rotational motion, the EV is drawn out. This is why you fall into the middle hole instead of the quarry. You can create this hole as a Wormhole and you'll find another space in another time. They are hypothetical, though!

Besides, nothing special about saying about kaleaks. Some amount of cosmic rays coming to the earth are due to this bluntness.

In the center of every bridegroom, there are billions of solar masses. In the birth of a gallard, dust and clouds are the ones that will fall to themselves. There is the center of the entire palace.

So now that's some SiFi, you can not go to blackmail!

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