Monday, July 3, 2017

Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG)

Everyone heard of finding Voyager, payinīr, New Horizons in it. Mētamā human hand is set aircraft pulled in far below most labala.

The power to do generally have a satellite around the Earth from the sun's repertoire. What planet have enough sunlight, the solar telescope kōśavala activity.

But now, the sun will come down as far trīvratāvaya when solar radiation. Almost so much he can get from solar power is very low repertoire. So what we're doing to send ǣtaṭama aircraft? How to get electricity?

The crisis will itāsarala concept.

Electric heat ētamā couples.

A / L Physics who want to know about this one.

They take two distinct conductive wire to circle like kelavaraval involved and connected to the same temperature on both sides attempted to pick the 2 different temperature where the two have very little electricity along wires fresh. Tāpavidyut say that this couple.

But higher temperature weekends, this one will yugmayakin little electricity. But I kind of like this being built sea drops drops together many personalities coupled together can have a big electricity sale.

Let us know how this is related to space.

I did go to the Sun Solar repertoire of work to lose.

So bringing so can not be used in the temperature difference between sunlight tā.vi.yu. Haha! Why Colonel?

One solution to heat his chemical reactions.

But the only way to do this for millions of years to a large number of chemicals. Therefore, it's not effective.

The remaining one thing.

Nuclear kśayavīma!

Radioactive elements kśayavennē kæḍilanē pieces. Interpreting it from the kinetic energy of matter section internal energy increased. So ēkivvē temperature will increase. It can get a big heat.

But it will do more shit temperature difference.

Therefore, one of the endless kśaya uncomfortable element is exposed to the other end in the free space. Because space 3 Kelvin (-270 ° C) heat only.

Therefore, part of RTG, something out of the plane dālātiyana.

But this should have a few basic elements are featured in radio use.

1) There should be enough half life expectancy. Otherwise kśaya elements quickly disappear. Therefore, one has to be another kśaya slowly. But many may not have a long half-life. If it does not heat properly.

2) from the heat and the density ratio should be higher. Otherwise the power of big elements to send cake.

So the choice of winning that plutonium -238, -244 kiyuriyam, strontium -90.

And three peas radiation to stop the lead plate 10 mm.

A simple layout RTG. Usually about a meter. Martian see the film one bæluvanaṁ. It's a plutonium RTG. Lower photo is one of New Horizons. RTG black baṭē he put it to the left.

But these are not the only abhyavakāśayānayaka says run depends lighthouse Antarctica. Because you can get long-term power supply.

RTG power on the Voyager did 23 years reduced by only 16%.

Now is the most important part of the story.

Everyone in the country knows couples Electric Thermal Physics.

But one of you ever benefit from this practice?

Google Science Fair 2013 is submitted to a torch and a strange girl together British logboats 15. LED light bulbs a couple tāpavidyut been thousands, using a small, one should have been. Simple huh?

All the other complex design egotistical, this girl grew in the first place. (Fifty thousand dollars, and a tour to gælapagōs)

Aluminum tubes are not just used to. Coming a close second hand or have heated ṭikavelāvakin her nook and fisticuffs. Then somebody in the hand.

Cost is only $ 25. But mahāparimāṇayen try going a lot less.

Everyone knows theory Practical Use just a few are those who can. But if everyone did that, we usually have!

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