Saturday, June 10, 2017

Cosmetic diabetes kill immune pumpkin cultivation

Today, many die from hart attacks . Or by cancers . The closer the situation day by day, but there is no reduction. How aware of this deadly disease but still can not escape-twentieth of our people. Because of our sins and mistakes noble culinary mores. Our ancestors such disease but seldom. They took the food to prevent the disease bought concentrating diversity day.   or monotonous diet.

Dry zone and intermediate zone pumpkin grows well, we all know what vegetables. But as a mere pumpkin vegetable dish wonders could be as unique dish. There are many varieties of pumpkin called lam Botanical Cucurbita maxima. We heard in Bury size, shape, color, according to several variants. But in this article are to be a common market, not a pumpkin of different genes about our local pumpkin cultivation species. 
Pumpkin is not only the most important eating just fruit. The leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds and medicines are in order and everything for food.  That gave our villagers pumpkin eating in order to have the strength of their body.

Pumpkin can be added to the diets of young children can be accepted as the main crop nutrition.

Because the starch, protein, khanijalavaṇa, contains many vitamins omnipotent.

 Ancient agricultural burn our main diet was pumpkin. Eating boiled pumpkin curry and their various types of processing. Low strength, low-weight children, then parents gave to burn pumpkin boiled food. Or cut and dried slices of pumpkin fine powder and then they set up different types of sweets. As a result, the child was protected. The food was great pumpkin frequent crying children to strengthen the heart.

 Eating pumpkin ancients knew that the improved performance of our brain children. It sure can understand analysis of the content of vitamins and minerals. Because it contains a common fiber pumpkin good for   constipation 

The reduced risk of gastrointestinal cancer. Modern including scientists say that there is a change of control  from pumpkin  white blood cells and blood of our constituents. pumpkin has the ability to reduce the risk of cancer, especially making. More obese, obesity reduced to take very good food. Pumpkin eating the eyes and improve vision samada gorgeous. So instead of using coatings to various artificial skin eating pumpkin skin is not only a great benefit available to the entire body.

   Pumpkin Eating fat and blood are able to control Diabetes. Those with high blood pressure is very good food.   The content  of can control high blood pressure. To protect our children, the victims of infectious diseases such as the common cold should be regularly eaten boiled pumpkin.

Then burn farmers after gray well Pumpkin their   its stalk region round off the nut inside bone removed or not the fruit into the chili spices filled again for the closure, banana leaves wrapped after around down there and dug  tied clay fire on them after a few days then rake out fires was used to add to his diet.

More specific times of apricots pumpkin is the ability to improve the body's immunity. It is the body's hormonal process better. As a result of diabetic patients and healthy is. And those games and small children are the most appropriate way to strengthen bones.

The body absorb nutrients, food is rich in support of specific  pumpkin. The result of the weaknesses of the digestive system is very good. The special times are those suffering from osteoarthritis of the condition porōsis break is a great dish. So the myth that dairy products would be reassuring to those who seek. Pumpkin seeds can be dried and fine carvings as oil extraction processing methane boiled. It is very nutritious value to oil, but use should be made according to medical advice. After they had eaten seeds such properties may occur even with soaring drug or temperature or temperature and stomach rolling. The nursing mothers, pregnant mothers oxidants. Those who have kidney and gall diseases, especially oxidants. Not suitable for those with low blood pressure.

In view of the pumpkin is a way to strengthen the heart, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, blood fat and non-communicable diseases such as tumors great food. By the body immune system will protect us from various infectious diseases continue. Strength, power, energy, skin color, good sight given the great powerful food. But even so the results can not be applied to eating pumpkin in the market. For the breeding of pumpkins cultivated for chemicals because it contains chemicals that pumpkin has  of breeding because the use of fertilizers. We must adapt to eating local pumpkin.


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